The back of the birdhouse

The front of the birdhouse. I found this bidhouse at the salvation army. My favorite place to find things to salvage. I decoupaged the front with scrapbook paper cut from my cricut using images I got free off the web. I used
SCAL to make my cricut cut the images.

The top of my birdhouse.

This is the swan mosaic I made for my mom for Mother's day. I'm getting better!

One of my first projects making an image for a design with mosaics. it's just a plain wood box from the dollar store and the mosaic is ceramic plate shards and glass tiles. I originaly used a grey sanded grout from lowes. I didn't like the way it turned out so a friend suggested I color wash the grout with watered down acrylic paint and glitter. So I did that and it looks MUCH better! I've learned from this project to not space the tiles so far apart. Mosaics is about the shards and tiles ect... not the grout. The grout is just the backdrop.
The tree side

This is the butterfly side. Somehow one of the antennas got lost... Hey it was one of my first projects!

This is the flower side

This the bird side of the box

This is a clock I did with china shards and glass tiles. The grout is white.
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