Monday, June 7, 2010


So I tried to mosaic today and I had a block. It was like all the creativity just got sucked out of me. I know why. Someday I want to be able to clear my head. Someday I want to be happy again. When Ethan acts up about homework I want the strenth to handle it better then I have. I think I'm just at a loss as to what elce to do with him. I've decided to not fight him anymore and he can go to school and suffer the consequences.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Making changes

Sometimes I think you get to a point in your life when a drastic change is just what the doctor ordered...

I'm at that point in my life. I think I have tried enough and I should maybe eathier stop trying or take the final step and have a professional outside person asess the situation. I wish I wasn't so scared to do eathier one of them....

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The back of the birdhouse

The front of the birdhouse. I found this bidhouse at the salvation army. My favorite place to find things to salvage. I decoupaged the front with scrapbook paper cut from my cricut using images I got free off the web. I used SCAL to make my cricut cut the images.

The top of my birdhouse.

This is the swan mosaic I made for my mom for Mother's day. I'm getting better!

One of my first projects making an image for a design with mosaics. it's just a plain wood box from the dollar store and the mosaic is ceramic plate shards and glass tiles. I originaly used a grey sanded grout from lowes. I didn't like the way it turned out so a friend suggested I color wash the grout with watered down acrylic paint and glitter. So I did that and it looks MUCH better! I've learned from this project to not space the tiles so far apart. Mosaics is about the shards and tiles ect... not the grout. The grout is just the backdrop.

The tree side

This is the butterfly side. Somehow one of the antennas got lost... Hey it was one of my first projects!

This is the flower side

This the bird side of the box

This is a clock I did with china shards and glass tiles. The grout is white.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Mom

I love you Mom!

MY Mom

My mom is the sweetest woman I know. She realy is. I'm not just saying that cause she's my mom. She is always willing to put others first and herself on the backburner. She's a creative, loving, and giving woman. I hope my parsonality reflects her's.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I've been nicotine free for 3 years now!!

Benny getting better. The doc gave him a steroid to help open up the airways . He is calling it a viral. He sayes it might be croupe.
It worries me because Ty and Jake had asthma when they were younger but I have a feeling they outgrew it because Terry and I quit smoking in the house and then all together. Ever since we quit the boys have never had an attack. Makes me feel stupid for ever smoking in the first place. Sorry if any of my readers are smokers, I know it's a VERY VERY difficult habit to lick. I would rather give birth a million times again with no pain meds for 36 hours then to quit smoking. For me it was mind over matter. I had to keep telling myself things like ... " I will not let this control me. My family needs me to live longer. There will always be stress in my life, and I can NO WILL NOT use that as an excuss to not quit at this moment. I am worth more then filling my body with this shit! " Not to mention I just found out I was pregnant with Benny when I quit. I hope this helps anyone that is trying to quit.
I'm working on mosaics at the moment and will post some pics of my first projects later today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sick of being sick!

Benny's sick again. Cough running green snot watery eyes, and low grade fever. Was up all night listening to him cough. We ended up camping out on the couch so Terry could sleep since he had to work this morning. Tomorrow he is working  a double. Wish me luck to get through the night as I can't get into the docs till the am and I do NOT want to sit in the ER all night.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weight loss

In the spirit of the Biggest loser I am trying to lose the baby weight I put on with Benny. I have gained more then when I came home with him I must be honest. I've been walking with  new friend of mine in my community. I also watch her son who makes me burn TONS of calories! LOL! He's a busy little guy! I've been running on the treadmil too and starting my yoga again. I will keep you updated on my progress. Right now I weigh in at 182 lbs. YUCK! I vow NEVER to see that number again! Here's a pic of my double chin and 2 inch regrowth. I've colored my hair since LOL! 
The photographer is my son Ethan who is 9 years old!

Friday, April 9, 2010

What to do when I grow up? Nursing or Photography?

I've been toying with what to do with my life. I love being home and being a mom, but I'm going stir crazy! I DO NOT want to work for someone though LOL! I like being my own boss, so maybe nursing is out of the question? I love to take pictures and I'm pretty good at it. I just got this expensive camera... I've been looking into photography, but lets be real here, is there realy a market for that in this area?
I gotta say the local photographer... I can do better then him! I have 2 kids very active in sports and he's the company Waterloo uses for their team photos and they are just not that great. The back of the photos say walmart printed them... ok that's odd don't you think? My Kodak printer prints better then the pics I have gotten from this dude. Not to mention the background he uses are generic... I can do a much better job in photoshop. Last year Jacob's basketball pics were much better. This year it just seems like the guy doesn't care. I've watched him take the photos and it just doesn't look professional. Ok rant over! LOL!

So my question is do I go to school for something I know I can make good money at and provide for my family or do I go for something I love to do? I know the practical thing to do is nursing. Do I realy want to spend the rest of my life wondering if I made the right choice? I could just make photography a hobby and leave it at that. That's probualy what I will do. I'd ask my husband, and I will, but I know the answer... " do what you want babe. I support you in whatever." It's sweet and all but not a help to me making a decision LOL! I love him!

Pic of the day:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jacob's last game this season .

Jacob Playing basketball at his last game of the year and last time playing for the community center. Now it's highschool ball from now on! He had a GREAT game too!
He made 50% of his foul shots! Look at that form! He's come such a loooong way. He just picked up a basketball and started actualy playing sports 4 years ago! We are just so proud of him... he's an honor roll student too.

Monday, March 29, 2010

2 Brothers

Two Brothers sittin in a swing!
Ethan and Ben
Jacob and Ben

Free SVG file: NYY logo

This is the link to download the New York Yankees Logo SVG file. Click HERE . It's in a zip format so you will have to unzip it. The image above is what it looks like in Sure Cuts a Lot. Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Laughing out loud! Ethan and Ben.
Poor snuggles can't get away from Jetter.

Watch out Jeeter you pissed Snugs off! LOL!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I took this picture trying to get out of the way cause Benny threw this REAL baseball at me! LOL!
What a cutie!
I love this pic I took of Ben in our back yard.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So true!!

This pic totaly describes me!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New layouts

So I'm trying to use up my stash so I can buy more ! LOL! I created this layout in hopes I can organize my craft/ sewing/ scrapbooking space to take pics of and add them to the layouts. I call these pages crafty girl.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scrap Happy!!


My latest obsession is scrapbooking! I have become addicted! LOL!
My first layout using the cricut and Sure cuts a lot:

My favorite part is the monkey face cut. I downloaded a free clipart and made it into a svg and cut it in SCAL. I cut the blackout in chipboard and the rest was in brown and yellow cardstock. I then hodge podged it. Some of the trees are chipbaord backed and applied with foam stickies for a more 3D look. The grass is from the plantin schoolbook cart and tripple layered. I got the monkey stickers from the dollar store! LOL! I love how Benny is sitting in the grass.