Benny getting better. The doc gave him a steroid to help open up the airways . He is calling it a viral. He sayes it might be croupe.
It worries me because Ty and Jake had asthma when they were younger but I have a feeling they outgrew it because Terry and I quit smoking in the house and then all together. Ever since we quit the boys have never had an attack. Makes me feel stupid for ever smoking in the first place. Sorry if any of my readers are smokers, I know it's a VERY VERY difficult habit to lick. I would rather give birth a million times again with no pain meds for 36 hours then to quit smoking. For me it was mind over matter. I had to keep telling myself things like ... " I will not let this control me. My family needs me to live longer. There will always be stress in my life, and I can NO WILL NOT use that as an excuss to not quit at this moment. I am worth more then filling my body with this shit! " Not to mention I just found out I was pregnant with Benny when I quit. I hope this helps anyone that is trying to quit.
I'm working on mosaics at the moment and will post some pics of my first projects later today.
Bunny Challenge!
5 years ago